"Poems From The Heart."

A Christian Love Letter
To Mable Arnold

Our Father is an awesome God of majesty and glory.
His love for us has filled a book with such a wondrous story.
He understands our thoughts and is acquainted with our ways.
He knows our sitting down, rising up, and how we spend our days.

He has laid his hand upon us and has hedged us before and behind.
The knowledge of this awesome God is too wonderful for our minds.
As mortals on this earth we can never fully understand
The depth and fullness of his love and why he created man.

As he shaped and formed the world and put the stars in place
He decided to create a man who, with uplifted face,
Could be in fellowship with him and bring glory to his name.
Who would always seek to honor him, and never bring him shame.

And even though God's man did fall when he chose to disobey,
The Father already had a plan to show us the right way
To live and love and work and pray and have our sins forgiven
So that we might be a part of the joy that waits in Heaven.

We can never go from his presence, he shall always guide and lead.
He knew us, he created us, he knows our every need.
He proved the depths of all his love when he drew salvation's plan
To send his only, beloved Son to bear the guilt of man.

Jesus chose us as his friends and taught us how to pray,
And told us "go and bear much fruit" so others can know the way.
Jesus, the very Son of God told us "I am the vine."
We are the branches, let's cling to him until the end of time.

His words must abide in us and we must abide in him
To truly know him and be worthy to be called his "friend."
For us to be united in him and to be with him in glory,
Was Jesus' prayer to the Father above, a beautiful, precious story.

So, dear Mable, together let us heed the Master's word
To abide in him and worship him and show him we have heard,
And plan to keep, his great commands to love and bless each other
And spread his word and love to every sister, every brother.

We will allow the fruits of the spirit to be evident in our lives.
We will live by the spirit, walk by the spirit and show we belong to Christ.
We will always be busy spreading love, joy, peace, kindness, and goodness.
And we'll practice patience and self-control and always dwell in faithfulness.

And when we're finished with this life and walking on this sod,
We'll rejoice to take our flight and go to live with God,
Where every day we'll sing and praise and worship our dear Master.
There'll be no pain, no sorrow, and no tears, just joy and laughter.

Jo S. McCracken
From my book, "Poems From The Heart."
Copyright © 1997, 1998
All Rights Reserved

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