How To Know Right From Wrong
The 10 Question Test

"Therefore do not let your
good be spoken of as evil;"
Romans 14:16(NKJ)

1. Am I commanded not to do it? - James 4: 17

2. Am I commanded to do it? - Eccl. 12: 13-14

3. Can I do it for the glory of God? - 1st Cor.10: 31

4. Can I do it in the Name of the Lord? - Col. 3:17

5. What would Jesus do? - 1st Peter 2:21

6. Can I do it and be an example of the believer? - 1st Timothy 4:12

7. Will it cause someone to stumble? - 1st Cor. 8:9

8. Would I encourage someone I love to do it? - Prov.22:16

9. Would I want to be doing it when Jesus Christ comes again? - Matt.16:27

10. Is there any doubt about it in my mind in the first place? - Romans 14:23


Midi "Wind Dancer" is used with permission
and is copyright © 2000 Bruce DeBoer

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