Don's Testimony
I love old-time Southern Gospel music and I believe it can be a powerful witnessing tool when used for the glory of God. I would like to share with you an experience which has meant a great deal to me.In January 1982 I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and immediately I wanted to share the Lord with my best friend and only brother, Bob. Bob rejected the idea of accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior. I just couldn't be satisfied with this, so I studied hard and tried to use all the proven ways of witnessing, but just couldn't get Bob to commit to Christ, although from time to time Bob would ask me questions about it. Bob was a prominent attorney who understood facts, not faith.
For over eight years I witnessed to Bob and encouraged him to accept the Lord. It was Bob who had encouraged me to develop my talents so I could have an athletic scholarship for college. Like so many other families in the 30's and 40's our parents were poor folk and unable to help me with college tuition. It had taken Bob 10 years to get his law degree while working, raising a family, and with the aid of a VA loan. While Bob was a struggling lawyer he somehow found the funds to travel from Ohio to such cities as Chicago, New Orleans and Miami to watch me play football and was always an encouragement to me. When an injury ended my life-long dream of becoming an all-pro, Bob was there again urging me to finish my college education. This would later provide me with the opportunity to join NASA in 1963 where I worked on such exciting programs as the moon missions and the development of the space shuttle. This is how the Lord brought me to the South, where I was saved nearly 20 years later.
Then in March 1991 I found myself in Ohio at the bedside of my dying brother. Bob had a malignant brain tumor and only had a few weeks to live. Bob's mind was alert and clear, but it took great effort for him to respond physically. I tried every day for a week to witness the way I had been trained, but drew no response from Bob other than polite rejection, as always.
It came time for me to return home and while I was packing my suitcase the music to four gospel songs fell to the floor. I had forgotten about bringing the music along to practice whenever I had a chance to be alone. For the first time I had started singing in a gospel quartet a few weeks before that and felt I wasn't ready to sing in front of anyone yet. When I picked up the music something seemed to tell me, "sing to Bob." I believe it was the Holy Spirit's leading. So I went back to see Bob and instead of saying goodbye, I asked him if I could sing to him. After the first two songs brought little response from Bob, I decided to close with my own favorite, "Precious Lord, Take My Hand." During this song Bob's expression changed and his energy level increased dramatically. Afterwards, with tears in his eyes, Bob asked me to help him receive the Lord as his Savior. It was a wonderful time of two brothers praying together, one leading the other to the Lord.
After that, I rushed to the airport. The doctor had said Bob might hang on another month. Two weeks later my wife and I drove back to Ohio to be with Bob, as well as attend another special event. When we arrived, we learned that Bob had died while we were on our way there. But, I know I will see my brother Heaven.
During the morning of April 6, 1991 our family attended Bob's funeral. Later that same day, a few miles away from Bob's resting place, I was inducted into the Canfield, Ohio Hall of Fame. I was unable to give my acceptance speech, but could only say that I wished to dedicate the award to my brother, Bob, who contributed more than anyone to my being able to earn this prestigious honor. When I put my Hall of Fame plaque with my other awards, I reflected that worldly trophies are so very trivial when compared to Bob's and my salvation experiences, and our eternal rewards in Heaven.
This experience with my brother was one of the main reasons I felt led in 1994 to start visiting and singing gospel songs with dozens of people, individually in their own rooms, in the local nursing homes each week just as I did with my brother. I found that gospel music can be of great comfort to sick and dying Christians, as well as a powerful witnessing tool.
I would like to ask that all who read this page please pray for me as I continue to visit and sing to the nursing home residents.
The above testimony was written shortly after I started visiting nursing homes. After many years of thinking about the salvation of others, and singing and witnessing in several churches in VA and NC, I believe I have become a more mature Christian and have grown closer to my Lord. Please read my current testimonies, tell me if you agree, and please give me any suggestions which would help me grow even closer to Jesus.
My brother and I enjoyed fishing together. Bob was a great fisherman. In 50 years of fishing he always caught more Bass than I did until October '90 when he didn't catch a Bass. I knew something was wrong the way Bob was fishing - - it would be our last time of fishing together. He had brain surgery the following month and never recovered. This picture shows us after our last fishing trip.