Hi, Some of you may remember my testimony during our previous visit, so I’d like to summarize what I said, then tell you the rest of my story. Paul Harvey is paid millions /Year to tell “The Rest of the Story.” What I’m about to say is worth much, much more - - in fact it’s priceless. If you recall I told you how the Holy Spirit helped me lead my brother, Bob, to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior while he lay dying in a nursing home in Ohio. I left right after and never saw him again on earth. But I know I’ll see him in Heaven. The Holy Spirit again led me, and my wife, Jo, to start visiting people in the Suffolk nursing homes, just as I did with Bob. We started visiting regularly in 1994 after I retired from NASA, and are now seeing about 40 precious friends in the Hampton Roads Area. We go to their individual rooms, sit and talk about the good old days, pray, talk to them about their salvation, and sing a few old songs with them. There are two they really like, “Swing Low Sweet Chariot” and “Just A Closer Walk With Thee.” Imagine yourself in their position. What song would you like to hear? I discovered they really like these old spirituals, and this past Christmas I found another one they especially like, and I want to sing it for you now, “Go Tell It On The Mountain.” Please join me on the chorus, which we‘ll sing first, and then after each verse.
CHORUS: Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere;
go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born.V1. While shepherds kept their watching o’r silent flocks by night,
behold throughout the heavens there shown a holy light. (chorus)V2. Down in a lowly manger, the humble Christ was born. And God sent us
salvation that blessed Christmas morn. (chorus)This last verse is my salvation testimony and it could be yours, because……
V3. Oh, when I was a seeker, I sought both night and day. Then, finally,
I asked the Lord to help me and He showed me the way. (chorus)CHORUS: Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere; go tell
it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born.I asked myself, why would those near the end of their lives rather hear these old spirituals, instead of the usual favorites. Then I compared the messages in these songs with God’s word and found they emphasize hope and assurance through salvation’s truth, that if we are born again we will go to God’s kingdom when we die. This reminds me of something that happened a long time ago. The rest of my story? My sister-in-law gave me a newspaper article she found in my brother, Bob’s papers about a 3-year-old boy who had fallen into a 5-acre lake, and they knew not where. His sister was baby-sitting and had fallen asleep. His 13-year-old brother, Bob, ran to the lake and jumped in, and happened to land right on top of this boy - - a true miracle since he had no idea where he fell in. But the rescue squad said it was too late, he was cold, blue and non-responsive and he was pronounced dead.His grandma grabbed him, ran to the house and rolled him over a pickle barrel. They didn’t know anything about CPR in 1935. He started to breath. Since it was over an hour, the doctor said there was brain damage for sure. Well, I was that baby. Brain damage? Does anyone here agree? Only my buddies - thank you.
These things happened to an unsaved family that never went to church - - divine intervention? That newspaper article blew me away and I knew I needed to share it with you. 46 years later I found I had cancer and needed immediate surgery to save my life. Shortly after that I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. This was my greatest miracle of all. I should have died twice before I was born again. Jesus says in John 8 that I will never die, if I trust Him. I didn’t know why I was spared until now. Because, you see, I should not be living to give this testimony here tonight, but I believe God wants me to reach at least one of you who is searching. Please listen to His call. I never mentioned my drowning experience before. You’ve heard the saying “Timing is Everything”, (Actually God’s timing is everything.) So I can say from experience that nothing in this world is even close in importance to being born again. We all need to do this, if we do nothing else in our lives.
Let me explain how this became so clear to me. At 3 years of age I didn’t understand, but when 23 years ago cancer almost killed me and I was terribly scared. I was not a Christian, even though I had been baptized and was a church member. After I recovered I was born again, but I really didn’t appreciate what that meant until 6 years ago when cancer threatened me again. But this time I was not the least bit scared- - why? After my first cancer, I was born again, which means I was born of the Holy Spirit into a new life with Jesus Christ. When my life was threatened again I realized that nothing in this world is worth worrying about, because my time here on earth is just for a fleeting moment, then I will spend eternity with my Lord and fellow believers in Heaven. So the only thing that really saddens me is that some of my loved ones to whom I’ve witnessed may not be there. Especially my 3 children, who are all now in their 40’s. My wife and I feel we have done all the witnessing to them that we can do. This is true because my youngest son called us recently with the exciting news that he had accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior that very day - - Hallelujah and Praise the Lord!
Something else saddens me. I am reminded of what Billy Graham said….that most people sitting in church have never been born again. So I’ll also miss seeing many of these friends in Heaven because Jesus said in John 3: 3-6 “you must be born again” or your soul won’t go to Heaven. The Bible is very clear on this. Jesus said it was the most important thing we need to do in this life, and Jesus never lies. John is the most important book in the Bible, and all of us should study it in great depth so we understand it fully. John was written for seekers. Since Jesus was the original seeker, and is still seeking the lost and seeking to have a closer relationship with the saved, we are all required to pattern our lives after Him - abide in Him. Those of you here tonight that do not know positively, without any doubt, that you are going to Heaven when you die, need to listen to every word Dick says later in this program. It’s truly a matter of life or death. Also, Billy Graham has written instructions on “How To Be Born Again” and he told me to share them with you like I do with my friends in the nursing homes. Copies are down front. Thank you, Lord Jesus.